U.S. Conducts Airstrikes In Syria


Rantingly F 16 Fighting Falcon at Eglin Air Force Base

A F-16 is flow by Alec “Bulldog” Spencer during a mission at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, Feb. 14, 2019.

October 26, 2023


Fox News:

US warplanes carried out airstrikes on Iranian proxy forces moments ago inside Syria…

F-16s and F-15s were used to strike targets in Syria earlier tonight in retaliation for the attacks on US troops in the region…

Biden ordered strike against 2 facilities in Syria…

Strikes targeted weapons & ammo storage facilities…


Today’s airstrikes come after the Pentagon admitted on Tuesday that two dozen U.S. military personnel were injured during drone attacks on U.S. bases while Biden was napping on the beach…




Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin released a statement regarding the US Airstrikes…




John Kirby earlier today…



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